Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Typing Up Loose Ends

T minus 8 days until the big adventure!

What a massive explosion of emotions has taken place in my life over the last month! I have been learning so much about trusting the Lord; I realize even more how my desire is to take control and manipulate situations into what I want them to be (which I so often do); now He has given a scenario over which I have had so little control and I had no choice but to trust and wait.

I am so terrible at waiting.

So here we are, on the verge of relocation...I have done so little to make it happen, and yet it has happened so beautifully (it is times like this where I really think God is laughing at me, with the loving, all-knowing compassion of a Father, saying, "Oh, I'm so glad it worked out too! It was getting a little dicey in the middle, but - amazing - I made it all happen ALL BY MYSELF!")

So we are a lease-signing away from an apartment. Ben has a full-time job. I was granted a stipend for my internship. We have found a church home in West Palm.....back to the discussion about mercy and grace, I am so aware of both right now.

I am also aware that all of this would have been fully accomplished without my addition of worry and stress and fear at times. But I am learning, slowly but surely.

Saying good-bye is hard, too. I suck at goodbyes. Working on that one. :)

Here's a little sneak peak at packing in the Sparrow abode:
The wall of boxes in the bedroom. I'm thinking it shouldn't get much taller....

Our TV (mercifully) kicked the bucket last week, and we decided not to replace it. The entertainment center now serves as a holding area for items waiting to both store and be stored....what a process!

The ABC Store has been the main provider of moving boxes for us. Great way to save money on sturdy boxes! We like to keep ours behind the dining room table. :)

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